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Our Ethos

At Tiddley Peeps Preschool we believe that children learn best through hands on discovery with natural open ended resources. Loose parts play allows for creativity and is ever changing according to the interest of each child. Our nursery practitioners are experienced in understanding each child's characteristics and learning styles, and support their learning through teachable moments. These are moments when a child is most receptive to learning.

contact us on 07597836652/ or pop in at New Life Church, Margaret Street, Coalville.LE673LY


About Us

Tiddleypeeps preschool is a  small and friendly early years setting owned and managed by Louise. Our aim is to provide high quality care and education through an `in the moment approach`. Our environment is inviting and allows for all children to engage and participate regardless of where they are in their development journey

Play . Discover . Learn

Children are natural learners and play to discover the world around them. Play is very important to a child's development, it is an itergral part of a child's Early Years Foundation Stage and supports their learning journey too.



We are a term time only preschool and offer sessional or school hours care and education for children age 2 to school age.

We are open from 8am - 5pm.

For further information on our sessions and funded places please click below.

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"A really lovely little preschool set in a church hall. As soon as you walk through the door the atmosphere feels welcoming and inviting"



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